Kidney Stones Symptoms


Some Kidney Stones Symptoms

Some Kidney Stones Symptoms The most unfortunate thing of kidney stones symptoms is they don't bother when the illness is still mild and are actually so easy to ignore. This makes it quite tough to detect the disease when it's still in a controllable stage. In reality, when you're affected by kidney stones, you may not experience severe discomforts in your body. The reason being because when the stones are little in size, they don't cause any issues.
agony in the abdomen is the commonest kidney stone symptom and likely the 1st one to appear. It's mild at the beginning and many of us will incline to ignore it but as the condition worsens, i.e as the stone increases in size, the agony becomes intolerable. Discomfort while urinating or during menstruation is also a common sign of this illness. What happens here is that, the stone may block the flow of urine from the kidney to the urinary tract causing this agony. Normally the discomfort will alter depending on the level of blockage and this is also the case in menstruation.

Other kidney stones symptoms will include fever and chills which are usually accompanied by agony in the bones mostly influencing the back and abdominal parts. Discomfort in the genital parts is also a sign of kidney stone. Finally, infections and inflammations round the area that leads to one being lifeless, nausea and vomiting are also a sign of kidney stones.